Privacy Policy

No Cookies Policy

We don't use cookies. While we enjoy the kind you eat, we don't use the kind that track your movements on the internet. Our policy is simple: no cookies are used on our site. We believe in privacy and do not add any tracking cookies.

No Cookie Consent Required

Since our website doesn’t use cookies, there’s no need for a cookie consent banner. Cookie consent is typically needed when cookies are used to track user behavior or collect personal data. We don’t do that, so you’re all set! We also assure you that we will never use cookies in the future for the purpose of tracking you.

No Data Sharing Policy

We don’t share any information with third parties. Your information stays with you, and that’s how it should be.

User Experience First

To make your experience on our site smoother, we might use your browser's local storage to save your preferences, like your chosen language or preference for a dark theme. This is just to make things easier for you, and the information stays on your device. It will not be used by us for anything other than providing you with the best possible user experience. You can clear it anytime you want.


We’re curious to know if people are reading and enjoying our content, so we'll collect some anonymous data to help us improve the site. But don’t worry—this data is completely anonymous, and we don’t store any personal information.

How We Do This

We run our own servers in the cloud, and no one but us has access to the data. We build our sites using Eleventy, Alpine.js, and Tailwind, all hosted on different cloud services managed by us. For analytics, we use Plausible, which we also host ourselves, with all data stored securely within the EU. And just so you know, Plausible doesn’t use cookies either. All services mentioned are open-source, so you can check them out yourself if you’re curious.

Voluntary Subscriptions and Data Storage

If you decide to subscribe to our newsletter or similar, we’ll store some basic info about you, like your name and email address. This helps us send you the content you signed up for and address you properly. We might also track whether you’re opening our emails, but it’s just to improve your experience. If you ever opt out, we’ll delete your data within a couple of months, except for a minimal amount to remember that you’ve opted out. You don't want an email after you've said no, do you?

How We Handle Your Data

  • We’ve built our own backend using Python Flask and a PostgreSQL database, where we store your email address and name (if you choose to share it). All data is securely stored within the EU, accessible only by us.
  • We use Brevo to send out emails. We give them your email address, but it’s stored securely, and only we can access it. Your data is protected and only used for the purposes you’ve agreed to.


If we include ads on the site or in our emails, they’ll be based on what we think might be useful or interesting to you. We don’t use any tracking or profiling for ads—just good old-fashioned common sense to pick what might be relevant.

Your Rights

You have the right to:

  • Access any data we have about you (which is pretty much none unless you subscribe).
  • Correct any inaccuracies in your data (if you’re subscribed, you can update your info anytime).
  • Request that we delete your data (again, this applies if you’ve subscribed).

If you want to exercise any of these rights, just get in touch with us.

Security Measures

We take security seriously. We’ve put in place appropriate measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. This includes encryption and secure servers.

Children’s Privacy

Our website isn’t meant for kids under 13, and we don’t knowingly collect personal information from anyone, especially children under 13. If you think a child has provided us with personal information, let us know, and we’ll delete it.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We might update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted here, so check back occasionally to see how we’re protecting your information.

Jurisdiction and Governing Law

This Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of Sweden and the EU. Any disputes will be handled in the courts of Sweden.

Opt-Out Information

If you don’t want your preferences stored in local storage, you can clear it anytime through your browser settings. Check your browser’s help section for more details.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or how we handle your information, feel free to contact us at .